2nd Comenius schoolpartnership meeting

18/05/2012 12:47

The second Comenius schoolpartnership meeting was organized by German partner – Alfred-Nobel-Schule  - in Berlin from 30 April to 4 May 2012. It was the first students meeting from all three countries: Germany, Poland and Slovakia.

The aim of the meeting was to learn about the host school, meet the students and the teachers, present the projects all partners have done so far, perform a story in English which each of the partners worked on, make new friends and plan other common activities for the future.


The host school prepared a very interesting programme for visiting students and teachers. It was with help of German Comenius club who accompanied Slovak and Polish group during the sightseeing, visiting Reichstag, Holocaust Memorial, Neukolln, Kreuzberg, Brandenburg Gate, Madame Tussaud exhibition, boat tour, TV tower, the zoo. There were plenty of activities to make friends, like painting on pavements, watching a film together, visiting school and lessons, meeting of the three Comenius clubs, European-Comenius Celebration with multicultural food.....


The meeting met its goal; the students made new friends,  got better in English as well as German communication, learnt about new multicultural environment, got more motivated to learn about other cultures.

The meeting was very well prepared  thanks to a wonderfull German team – teachers and students.